Built in 1878 in Glasgow. The artist who painted this had a wonderful sense of color and balance, and with close-ups of the rigging, he obviously understood vessels of this type as well. We have found some interesting history of the demise of the Loch Sunart in the The Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918) from Fri 17 Jan 1879, as follows:
Considerable excitement was manifested among the mercantile portion of. the community on Wednesday morning by a rumor which gained currency that the Loch Sunart had been wrecked off the coast of Ireland on the 12th inst. Later on in the day the report was found to be correct, a telegram being received by the Underwriters' Association, dated the 12th January, which stated that the Loch Sunart had gone ashore at Belfast, Ireland, the day previous, and had become a total wreck. The weather has been very severe for some weeks, blowing hard on a lee shore, all along the East coast of Ireland, and a number of other causalities are reported, the particulars of which have not yet come to hand. Up to a late hour no official intelligence had been received as to whether any lives had been last at the time, or.whether she carried any passengers, so anxiety on that score will have to rest unsatisfied until some further news concerning the causality is received. It will be remembered that Mr. Thomas Pearce, the midshipman of the Loch Ard, who became such a celebrity here on account of his actions at the wreck of that vessel, entered into a further engagement with the owners of tho Loch Sunart, and sailed in that ship on her voyage from Melbourne to London. As the return trip of this vessel to this port was to complete his engagement in the position he occupied, it is just possible that he was still on board the vessel, and, if so, it will be the third time he has suffered shipwreck. He seems to be particularly unfortunate in his career, which has become such an eventful one at so early a date, and it is sincerely' to :be hoped that, if he were on hoard, nothing dis astrous has happened to him, as anything of the kind is to be sincerity deplored,' his entry into a useful occupation being so replete with sensational items. The Loch Sunart is a vessel'of 123'2 tons, built of iron,and rigged, as a sailing vessel. She belongsto a large fleet of similarly constructed vessels, which are so well know at this port for various reasons. She loft this port on the 26th August, 1878, with Mr. Thomas Peroo on board, the home trip being the second voyage she made, Reaching London in November} reporting all well, she did change a portion of her cargo there, and sailed for Glasgow., 'which port she reached in safety, and sailed again on the out ward voyage to Australia. Whilst in the Irish Sea she the met with very severe weather which had been raging there for some time, and after trying to weather the storm, must have made sufficient lee-way to carry her into dangerous proximity to the coast, where she was finally driven to shore, and beecame a total wreck, The coast of Ireland at this point is excedingly dangerous, being composed of iron-bound cliffs and rocks run running out to the sea, over which the breakers dash with violence at all times; and when the wind is on shore the sea is of such extent as to make the safety of any vessel in the immediate neighborhood a matter of conjecture. The Loch Sunart was a fine vessel, and a promising one, she being the latest addition to Messrs. Blyth and Co.'s fleet of iron ships. The hull and cargo are reported to be fully insured, but to what amount it is st present impossible to state. |
This colorful and folky oil on canvas is unsigned and has been professionally cleaned, conserved, and mounted in a period gold frame measuring 22 ½” by 28 ½” overall
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