Made by Lowell and Senter of Portland, Maine.
Lowell & Senter - Portland, Maine
Abner Lowell (1812-1883)
William Senter (1813-1888)
"Abner Lowell was born at Portland (Maine) January 12, 1812. He served his apprenticeship with Oliver Gerrish who came from Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1823. Gerrish was a famous watch and clock maker.
William Senter was born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire October 11, 1813. He came to Portland in 1828 and also served his apprenticeship with Oliver Gerrish. In 1834 Mr. Lowell went in business for himself and two years later Mr. Senter became associated with him. In 1870 the partnership was dissolved and each went in business for himself.
Mr. Lowell continued in business until 1877. He died February 26, 1883.
Mr. Senter continued in business until his death. His nephew, William Senter, Jr. joined him in 1875, the firm becoming William Senter & Co. Mr. Senter was mayor of Portland for two terms, 1880 to 1882. He died December 22, 1888." 11½" long.