Hanes & Ruskin
97 West Main Street Box 79
Niantic, CT 06371 860.304.2146
SOLD A Windsor Fanback Side Chair
SOLD  A Windsor Fanback Side Chair

Back in 1950 all but a few knowledgeable antiquarians would have removed all traces of the interesting paint history from this chair. Today we know better and can see traces of the original black as well as Victorian red paint beneath the later canary.

This chair was made in Philadelphia c. 1760-80 and is structurally original with nicely carved ears, early turnings and a comfortable saddle seat.

For a related example, see Santore's :The Windsor Style in America" p. 83.

Minor touchups to the yellow.

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SOLD  A Windsor Fanback Side Chair
SOLD  A Windsor Fanback Side Chair
SOLD  A Windsor Fanback Side Chair
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